Thursday, May 28, 2009

Japanese Maple

After yesterday's slugfest, I thought I'd post a something a little more traditional. This beautiful tree is over by the Twin Beaches shopping area and I photographed it TTV so as not to be too trad.


Z said...

TTV was a new one for me. Interesting effect created by it. It's a lot of gear, is it all handheld?

Marie-Noyale said...

You are never too trad!!!

Virginia said...

Well I second M-N's comment. YOU trad??? Puhleeezzee. I still chuckle now and again over the two blonde babes in the bathtub. Well, I digress. The TTV shot of this maple is wonderful. Bravo!

Bob Crowe said...

These TTV shots look difficult to set up and must require a lot of forethought. The effect is sorta hallucinatory. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear...

Victor said...

I see some of you got my little trad joke.

Z, it is all handheld but it's not as awkward as it seems once you've done it a bit. The trickiest part is the fact that the image is reversed in the viewfinder of the analog camera. So when you're composing a shot and want to adjust to the right, you have to point the lens to the left.

And Bob, you are correct about the forethought bit. Some subjects just seem to lend themselves to the technique.

magicpolaroid said...

that beautiful color! my fav**

Russ said...

That's really interesting. Very cool!