Every year at Valentines, Artworks hosts a group show called Erotica. I can't even post the photograph I have hanging in the exhibit so you get this one just for fun. Erotica Gabriola-style, gum boots and all.
Click here to see the rest of the ABC Wednesday images
Well, you've got my attention. Nice photo!
Back home and able to post comments again. This was a bit, ahem, attention-getting on the portal. It makes me wonder whether life on Gabriola is less peaceful and bucolic than I thought.
What a fun picture! I love the boots - as I'm sure many boot fetishists will. At least they will if they combine a boot fetish with rubber fetish. LOL!
It must be island life inducing cabin fever as V will tell you she just knew I had kinky boots, but wellies? The mind boggles. Exoitca erotica shot of the day.
Nice capture, says it all.
Wellies with fishnets...totally Gabriola.
Nice framing!
You go Snap! Now I"m dying to see the one I CAN"T see! HA So Gabriola has an Erotica exhibit. NOW I know why you endure the long winters. There's "light" at the end of the tunnel. HA
I absolutely adore this shot...fantastic, love the composition, just a wacky image....but soooo cool, brilliant composition, love it :0)
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