Saturday, November 15, 2008


Mrs. Snapper and I try to avoid the big box stores and keep our business local so we have an account at Arbutus Building Supply for home reno stuff. Fair prices, good selection and great one-on-one service make it easy and not having to leave the island is a big plus. The tricky part is making a lumber yard look good in a photo but sweet morning light sure helps.


Bob Crowe said...

Now you have set me a challenge, although I am not a frequenter of lumber yards. My skills with hand tools are about the same as with a golf club. The only instrument I can reliable operate with my hands is my camera, which doesn't take much dexterity.

BTW, liked your picture yesterday. PJ from Pensacola is trying to get me to join Friday Skywatch. I'm not sure I'm up for another obligation but what do you think of it?

Victor said...

Hey Bob, I like the Skywatch thing very much because it gives me something to shoot for and also challenges me. I just can't bring myself to post another sunset picture so SWF forces me to think outside the box a bit and come up with something a tad different from the other 300+ participants.

Julie said...

I did SWF for quite some time but am resting at the moment. I found the 300+ participants somewhat daunting and the level of repetition distressing. However, it did force one to look for the novel and the sky became just an aspect of the image which I suspect was not the original aim.

Snapper, you have captured the morning shadows of the lumber yard exquisitely here ...

Jane Hards Photography said...

You would have liked Marlow germany who had incredible images of the mundane looking interesting. Just like this.

Rob said...

The light is everything, interesting and a rather exciting photo. I too do not enjoy the big box stores. Try to get help in there. Try to find anything in a big box. I am still wondering how we came to create these corporate curs.